CHILD PORTRAIT EVENT ~ Limited Time Only!!-

After many years of hearing how frustrated parents are with the ‘school’ photo they are offered of their child… I decided to open up the studio for a limited time to bring you a classic portrait of your child(ren), or at least ones without their hair in their face, looking the other way, talking, or just plain laughable image of them.

A few bonus’s to having the images done here at JLS:

– you can make sure their hair, clothing and faces are ready! No eating snacks right before their photo

– you can bring younger children who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity for a quick photo like this, now they will all be the same!

– you can also request sibling photos of your children together (but I can’t guarantee that means they will like each other 😉

– the school will not miss out!!!  I will be donating a % of the profit back to the school PAC at Katzie if you identify that your child attends there.

It will the the same idea as the school photo.  You do not pay up front, you will come in for a scheduled quick session (10 – 20 minutes depending on how many children you have).  After the sessions I will be providing you with proofs of your photos to which you can then order.  I do offer preschool photos to a few locations and over the years have learned that most families really just want the digital files to then print as they wish.  I’ve created a pricing structure that reflects that.

So how do you book?  Easy!!  There are a few days available and time options.  Just follow the link and choose what works for your family.  If you have younger children who are not school aged, please message me and we can create a weekday daytime for you.


How will it work?  You can choose from 3 backdrops in the studio.  I will capture up to 4 poses of them for you to choose from.  If you choose the ‘ALL IMAGES’ digital option, that would be for the 4 proof poses you were provided.  If you have more than one child and you choose to have sibling photos as well, know that counts as 3 sessions.  So if you’re punching the digitals, that would be the 3 children digitals, I can help you through that when the time comes.

If this sells out and is successful I may be opening other dates/times

Here is more information you’ll want to know!