CHARLIE | 9 DAYS | Surrey Newborn Photographer

I am certain that this gallery is going to bring a smile to your face.  These two beautiful little girls just warmed my heart.

It wasn’t that long ago that big sister Blayklee was here in the studio for her newborn photos!  Now look at her all grown up.  We used a lot of whites/neutrals in this session and honestly really makes me want to only use whites!!  Funny enough when I just looked back on Blayklee’s session we somehow used the exact same wrap again for baby Charlie!  Out of all the props in the studio… somehow we used the same one.  That said, I am just in love with all the emotion in these images.  So much love for little Charlie already, these two girls are going to have an amazing life together.

For Charlie and Blayklee we did a mix of standard newborn photos as well as a few Christmasy ones!!  So for all you new mom’s out there who would love to do a Christmas photo with your new baby… keep an eye out as I’m going to host an event just for babies!